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3d rendering, Scene of television cartoon mock up with blank empty space, setting on colorful room and lighting background.

Have you wondered why you perfectly enjoy binging on Youtube but get annoyed by the sight of shouty brand messages? If you’re thinking it’s the interruption that’s to blame, you’re not entirely correct. As per studies, emotional and authentic storytelling help the human brain build a greater sense of connection and empathy with the storyteller.

As a marketer, what does all this mean for you? Well, good news! You can possibly bypass your audience’s “ad-blocker” effect by establishing an emotional connection with your audience. Today, customers want to look beyond product videos or behind filtered, corporate videos. They want to dig deeper to discover what lies at the core. How are you adding value to their life? What’s your brand purpose? Therefore, the best way to connect with your audience is to humanise your brand. Make it more approachable and relatable to them in a way that’ll exude trust. Create a brand film!

What’s a brand film?

A brand film is much more than a traditional commercial. Although commercials broadly use storytelling approaches, brand films aim to communicate a deeper story that can give audiences a window into your “why” and your shared values. It focuses on the big picture and conveys a feeling or an experience through its unique narrative.

These films are produced differently than most other types of marketing videos. The emphasis is usually on messaging, compelling visuals, and music. The length of brand films can vary from a few minutes to 30 minutes or even longer. However, regardless of the format, brand films hold a promising future in content marketing. Besides promoting your brand, a well-made, strong brand film can also help you attract good talent.

But do you really need to make a brand film?

As a marketer, you’re probably already aware that video content performs well on landing pages, emails, or when embedded on other platforms, boosting conversion rates. Unsurprisingly, about 54% of consumers are interested in video marketing content, and 73% demand entertaining videos on social media. Research shows that for a vast majority of millennials – nearly 80%, video content can play a role while considering a brand. In fact, millennials currently are driving massive interest in brand films. So, should you make a brand film? If millennials are your customers, you already know the answer. But even if you’re not targeting this age group, in particular, you should still give it a serious thought. Brand films can offer an alternative to television commercials and online video ads. With the popularity and surge of online streaming platforms, viewers are being interrupted by video ads and commercials much lesser than they used to. Brand films have the opportunity here to sneak into their sights through social sharing and as newsworthy topics when done just right.

How do you create a brand film?

First of all, define your key messaging. What’s the kind of feeling you want to leave your viewers with after seeing your brand film? Do you want them to take any action? Decide on the key takeaways you want the viewer to have from your film.

What if you could make a commercial for your mission statement? What drives you to work every day can be the driving force for the film. Most importantly, tell a story – an authentic story that narrates why you do what you do. Capture the emotion behind your mission. Think of a storytelling style that brings your story to screen the best way. But be careful to not involve multiple elements in your film. It should be simple, compelling and concise that keeps the viewer interested. Let your film show your audience who you really are!



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